SD - The Swiss Digital
SD stands for The Swiss Digital
Here you will find, what does SD stand for in Software under Computing category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Swiss Digital? The Swiss Digital can be abbreviated as SD What does SD stand for? SD stands for The Swiss Digital. What does The Swiss Digital mean?The Swiss Digital is an expansion of SD
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Alternative definitions of SD
- San Diego Chargers
- South Dakota
- Senate District
- San Disk
- Single Data
- Scsi Device
- Scsi Disk
- Software Development
View 310 other definitions of SD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SIM Sales and Internet Marketing
- SSPC Stuart Steel Protection Corp
- SCRLS Sentry Court Reporting and Litigation Services
- SSC The Spine and Sports Center
- SWD Spirit Works Distillery
- SCT Smart Century Tourism
- SAEL Sierra Academy of Expeditionary Learning
- SSPC Silk Screen Printing Company
- SDPIL SDP International Ltd.
- SEI Safe Electronics Inc
- SEEL SE Electricals Limited
- SCS Sentinel Corrosion Services
- SFD Statesville Fire Department
- SDLL Sparkle Dental Labs Ltd
- SEOTO SEO Tester Online
- SLS Saint Lawrence Spirits
- SPS Snelling Personnel Services
- SFJ Simmons Fine Jewelry
- SW The Samaritan Women
- SLS Save a Lot Supermarket